The walls are paper thin; you can hear everything that goes on. 这几堵墙非常薄,你能够听到发生的一切。
This special paper was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened with a kind of paste 这种特殊的纸实际是一种糨糊浆过的又薄又软的杉原纸。
It doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin. 纸张厚薄无关紧要。
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? 你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄就像一所卡片搭建的房屋风一吹就会坍塌?
Baba and I lived in the same house, but in different spheres of existence. Kites were the one paper thin slice of intersection between those spheres. 爸爸和我生活在同一个屋顶之下,但我们生活在各自的区域,风筝是我们之间薄如纸的交集。
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin? 你又可曾感到自己弱小的好象纸片般轻薄?
Manifold paper: A thin, light-weight paper used for duplicating work with carbon paper or for air mail letter. 打字纸:薄而轻身的纸.作空邮信纸或连同碳纸作为写文件用。
In this paper, buckling of thin plate due to butt weld is investigated using inherent strain method as an equivalent load. 提出了基于固有应变对接薄板失稳分析的基本方程。
In theory, I could ask Kevin to resume printing things for me at his office at the university, but I suspect that his support for the boycott is paper thin, despite his recent good cheer. 从理论上说,我可以叫凯文再次帮我在他们学校的办公室打印,可是我怀疑凯文对抵制计划的支持薄脆如纸,虽然他最近心情还不错。
A strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth light brown finish made from e.g. Manila hemp. 一种强韧的纸张,或一种表面光滑的薄纸板,用马尼拉麻或类似树木的纤维制成。
We are the company that manufacture the paper fan, thin silk fan, cloths fan, silk fan, pocket fan, feather fan and so on. 主营产品或服务:我公司主要生产纸扇、绢扇、布扇、真丝扇、袖珍、扇羽毛扇等工艺品扇子。
Upper front teeth that are paper thin, with the enamel almost completely worn away, and teeth that hurt. 上端前齿过薄,牙釉质几乎消失,牙齿也有损伤。
Paper material made into thin sheets that are sized to take ink; used for writing correspondence and manuscripts. 一定大小能吸墨的薄纸页,用于书写信函和手稿。
Now the Grizzlies are one of the youngest teams in the league, have a huge glut of guards and are paper thin on the front line. 现在,这是联盟最年轻的球队之一,有一箩筐的控卫,但是弱不禁风的前场。
But the paper is so thin. 可是师傅这纸那么薄。
Paper: A thin sheet material produced by using rags, straw, wood or other fibrous material as its main constituent. 纸:用破布,稻草,树木或其他纤维材料作主要原料而成的薄片物料。
The chromatographic method usually used are: paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography. 常用的色谱方法有:纸色谱、薄层色谱、液相色谱、气相色谱。
"Zi" is the trace formed under the effect of water, in Chinese traditional painting, "zi" is also a technique of painting, which makes use of water to create special and abundant artistical effects on paper or thin silk. 渍是在水的作用下形成的痕迹。在传统中国画里,渍也是一种绘画手法,利用水的独特性能,在纸或绢上创造特别而丰富的艺术效果。
This paper describes the thin film capacitive humidity sensor in transformer oil and demonstrates its usefulness in monitoring moisture content in transformers. 介绍了一种薄膜电容湿度传感器,并论证其在监测变压器油中含水量的用途。
It is suggested in this paper that the thin cement-rubble masonry structure should be considered for the small dams on bedrock on the basis of the necessity and feasibility. 提出了岩石坝基上的低坝应充分考虑采用浆砌石薄拱坝的必要性与可行性。
In this paper, thin rock permeating method has been proposed, which can efficiently observe the molecular diffusing phenomenon in crystalline rocks, calculating the coefficient of molecular diffusion. 为此,本文提出薄片渗透测试方法,能够有效地观测出结晶岩石分子扩散现象,计算出分子扩散系数。
In this paper, a thin ring plate mode is used, and more exact calculating formula is got for bending of the centrifuger vane. 本文采用环形薄板模型,得到关于卧螺离心机叶片弯曲问题的较为精确的计算公式。
In this paper, TiO_2 thin films doped by different metal ions were prepared on the microscope slides and ceramic tiles by Sol-gel method. Meanwhile, the photocatalytic property of TiO_2 thin films influenced by doped metal ions were researched. 本文利用溶胶&凝胶法制各出掺杂不同离子的纳米TiO2薄膜材料,并对金属离子掺杂对纳米TiO2薄膜光催化性能的影响进行了研究。
In this paper, ZnO thin films were fabricated on Si ( 111) substrates by two different kinds of techniques, one is the thermal oxidation of metallic Zn, and the other is the pulsed laser deposition ( PLD). 本论文中,我们采用两种不同的生长工艺在Si(111)衬底上制备了ZnO薄膜,一种是热氧化金属Zn膜法,另一种是脉冲激光沉积(PLD)法。
Selection of optimal combination of solvent systems to be used in paper and thin layer chromatography 纸层析和薄层层析溶剂系统的最佳组合选取法
The monosaccharides contained in each polysaccharides were analysed by using paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography. 采用新华中速滤纸纸色谱和硅胶G薄层色谱分析多糖各组分的单糖组成。
The scheme set up in this paper to transport thin& long large-diameter cylinders has obvious advantages and is feasible in theory. 得到结论,论文提出的细长圆筒的远途运输方案在理论上是可行且有明显优势的。
In this paper, ZnO thin film acceleration sensors developed for the goal. 本文目标是研制ZnO薄膜压电传感器。
Es ancient paper are double-sided printing machinery, paper thin, should be chosen in the process of repair, toughness good cotton paper tinkered with Japan. 西文古籍纸张基本上都是双面印刷的机械纸,在修复的过程中要选用薄的、韧性较好的日本棉纸进行修补。